What If I'm Actually A Morning Person?

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Based on my inability to wake up in the morning, I've always assumed I was a night owl. Even though my old job required me to wake up at 4 am, I am practically dead to the world until I've had that first cup of coffee. But lately, I've been questioning my assumption. What if I'm actually a morning person?

Here's the mounting evidence that I just might be a morning person:

1) My creativity is at an all-time high when I first wake up. Yeah, those first 30 minutes are rough and I can barely form sentences, but after that - I am golden. I actually make drafts on Twitter because I feel like I'm the funniest. I think of some of my best blog post ideas. But when I go to write them at night, I don't feel like I'm able to give them the justice they deserve.

2) Nothing is better than knowing I have the rest of the day to accomplish things. This is an obvious. There's more day left when you wake up earlier than opposed to rolling out of bed at the crack of noon. When I wake up late on my days off, I almost don't want to bother getting out of bed because I feel like the day has already been squandered by sleeping in.

3) Sunrises are better than sunsets. This is a fact to me. Anyone can see a sunset, but not everyone gets to see the sun rise (And usually I don't because I'm inside working when it rises).

4) I run faster in the morning. And then, I'm more awake for the rest of the day. By the end of the day, when I usually run, I'm so exhausted that I'm just going through the motions. But when I run in the morning (something I rarely get to do), I really reach my goals.

5) I feel more productive in the day. I feel like I can get so much more stuff done in the morning than at night. Night is the time for relaxing, hanging out, drinking. In the morning, there's a sense of urgency to everything. In high school and college, I used to wake up early to finish my papers because I knew I wasn't going to get anything done at night. Some of my best papers were written when I'd wake up at 4 am.

Just because I'm usually awake in the evening doesn't mean I'm a night owl, I think. As my schedule begins to change, we'll see if these things still hold true. Are you a night owl or a morning person? Let me know in the comments!

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Somehow Chaotic. : What If I'm Actually A Morning Person?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What If I'm Actually A Morning Person?

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Based on my inability to wake up in the morning, I've always assumed I was a night owl. Even though my old job required me to wake up at 4 am, I am practically dead to the world until I've had that first cup of coffee. But lately, I've been questioning my assumption. What if I'm actually a morning person?

Here's the mounting evidence that I just might be a morning person:

1) My creativity is at an all-time high when I first wake up. Yeah, those first 30 minutes are rough and I can barely form sentences, but after that - I am golden. I actually make drafts on Twitter because I feel like I'm the funniest. I think of some of my best blog post ideas. But when I go to write them at night, I don't feel like I'm able to give them the justice they deserve.

2) Nothing is better than knowing I have the rest of the day to accomplish things. This is an obvious. There's more day left when you wake up earlier than opposed to rolling out of bed at the crack of noon. When I wake up late on my days off, I almost don't want to bother getting out of bed because I feel like the day has already been squandered by sleeping in.

3) Sunrises are better than sunsets. This is a fact to me. Anyone can see a sunset, but not everyone gets to see the sun rise (And usually I don't because I'm inside working when it rises).

4) I run faster in the morning. And then, I'm more awake for the rest of the day. By the end of the day, when I usually run, I'm so exhausted that I'm just going through the motions. But when I run in the morning (something I rarely get to do), I really reach my goals.

5) I feel more productive in the day. I feel like I can get so much more stuff done in the morning than at night. Night is the time for relaxing, hanging out, drinking. In the morning, there's a sense of urgency to everything. In high school and college, I used to wake up early to finish my papers because I knew I wasn't going to get anything done at night. Some of my best papers were written when I'd wake up at 4 am.

Just because I'm usually awake in the evening doesn't mean I'm a night owl, I think. As my schedule begins to change, we'll see if these things still hold true. Are you a night owl or a morning person? Let me know in the comments!

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